Hi5 VR Glove
Developer Guidelines
NOITOM corporation
Dec.2017 V1.2
Hi5 VR Glove Developer Guidelines
Vibration States:
On Glove/Dongle
Glove power on
Vibrate for 0.5s
( Table 2.2-2 )
2.3 Features
9-DOF IMU for 5 fingers and the back of hand
Vibration feedback for each Glove
Supply voltage range of 1.0-1.5VDC with one AA battery for each Glove
Supply voltage range of 5
0.25VDC for Dongle
7 hours of working time with 2100mAh Alkaline battery
Latency less than 5 ms (From motion to SDK, under clean RF condition)
Output date rate up to 180Hz
RF working area: 5m
5m (open area without interference)
automatic channel-switching to avoid RF interference
2.4 Radio Frequency (RF)
1. Working frequency range: 2400MHz~2483.5MHz
2. Restricted Area of Antenna
The figure below illustrates the
“keep out” area where only nonmetallic parts of the accessory
should be inside (spherical radius=20mm and the center is antenna feed point).
( Figure 2.4-1: Restricted Area of Antenna )