Hi5 VR Glove
Developer Guidelines
NOITOM corporation
Sep.2017 V1.1
Hi5 VR Glove Developer Guidelines
The indicator light will start to breathe.
2. The Glove entering pairing mode:
Press and hold the button on the Glove for 3 seconds (release when the indicator light turns on to a
solid state)
The indicator light will slowly flash (flash at 1Hz). Now the Glove is in pairing mode and it
will connect to the Dongle automatically (the indicator light will breathe after pairing).
3. Re-plug the Dongle into PC.
4. Now the Glove and Dongle will enter working mode automatically (rapid flashing at
20Hz). The pairing operation for single Glove is now completed.
Please make sure the battery is full when pairing Gloves.
If you have more than one set of Hi5 Gloves that need to be paired, please do the
above operation one set at a time, but not at the same time.
You can stick the same color stickers on each set of already paired Gloves and
Dongle, to avoid mixing up different pairs of Gloves.
Once paired, the Glove and Dongle will reconnect automatically in the future.
You can also refer to the
“Pairing Glove Tutorial Video”
on the Hi5 website
to get a more comprehensive understanding of how to do the pairing
glove procedure.
2.5.3 Demagnetization
[ IMPORTANT ] Demagnetization is the fundamental operation of Hi5. Please make sure
you finish demagnetization procedure successfully before you do other
If you find obvious drifting of the hands model during use, or the Dongle indicator light
flashes and the Glove indicator light turns on to a solid state,
or you see the “magnet icon”
in Hi5 calibration sample turns red, this means that there is magnetic interference around
the sensors (or the sensors are magnetized).
1. First, please check if the magnetic environment is clean and if there are any
ferromagnetic substances around the Gloves. If so, please keep the gloves away from
all the above environment or substances (Including but not limited to the following