2 pmg511en21p01
3. MOUNTING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
4. WIRING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5. PROGRAMMING ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Input Settings [PAR3 → IN-T]
5.3.1 Input Types [PAR3 → IN-T]
5.3.4 Low-Limit Input Value [PAR3 → L-RG]
5.3.5 Upper-Limit Input Value [PAR3 → H-RG]
5.3.6 Scale Decimal Point Position [PAR3 → DOT]
5.3.7 Lower Limit Scale Value [PAR3 → L-SC]
5.3.8 Upper Limit Scale Value [PAR3 → H-SC]
5.3.9 Input Offset Correction [PAR3 → IN-B]
5.3.10 Input Digital Filter [PAR3 → MAvF]
5.3.11 Upper Limit [PAR3 → H-SV] and Lower Limit of Set Value (SV) [PAR3 → L-SV]
........................................... 12
5.4.1 Selecting a Control Output [PAR3 → OUT2]
5.4.2 SSR Function [PAR3 → O2.SR]
5.4.3 Current Loop Output Range Settings [PAR3 → O2MA]
..................................................................................... 12
5.5.1 Heating Control [PAR3 → O-FT → HEAT] or Cooling Control [PAR3→ O-FT → COOL]
................................ 13
5.5.2 Heating & Cooling Control [PAR3 → O-FT → H-C]
........................................................................................... 13
5.5.3 Deadband/Overlap Band [PAR2 → DB]
5.5.4 MV Upper Limit Value [PAR2 → H-MV] and MV Lower Limit Value [PAR2 → L-MV]
........................................ 17
5.5.5 MV Settings for Sensor Break Error [OPEN] [PAR5 → ErMV]
.......................................................................... 18
5.5.6 Ramp Settings [PAR2 → RAMU/ RAMD/ rUNT]
................................................................................................ 18
5.5.7 Auto/Manual control settings Switching Between Manual/Auto Control
................................................................................................. 19 Initial MV for Manual Control [PAR5 → ItMV]
.......................................................................................... 20 Initial MV Manual Control [PAR5 → PrMV]
............................................................................................. 21
5.6.1 Temperature Control Mode [PAR3 → C-MD]
5.6.2 ON/OFF Control with Hysteresis Function [PAR3 → C-MD → ONOF]
............................................................. 21
5.6.3 PID Control [PAR3 → C-MD → PID] Setting the Proportional Band for Heating [PAR2 → H-P] and Cooling [PAR2 → C-P] Setting Integral Time for Heating [PAR2 → H-I] and Cooling [PAR2 → C-I]
.......................................... 23 Setting Differential Time for Heating [PAR2 → H-D] and Cooling [PAR2 → C-D]
.................................. 23 Setting Control Period for Heating [PAR3 → H-T] and Cooling [PAR3 → C-T]
...................................... 23 Offset Correction / Manual Reset Settings [PAR2 → REST]
.................................................................. 23 Auto-Tuning ON/OFF [PAR2 → AT]