24 pmg511en21p01
5.6.4 Auto-Tuning
Automatic tuning measures the controlled section’s temperature characteristics and thermal response rate and
then determines the required PID time constants.
(If the
control type is PID, it is displayed.)
This operation will stop automatically if an
error occurs during auto-tuning.
To stop auto-tuning, change the setting to OFF.
(In this case, the P, I, D values before auto-tuning are retained.) Auto-Tuning ON/OFF
[PAR2 → AT]
Auto Tuning automatically stores the PID time constants when completed. These PID time constants can then be
modified according to their usage environment. Default setting: OFF.
When auto-tuning is in progress, the
indicator on the controller’s front flashes every 1 second. When auto-
tuning is completed, the
indicator will automatically turn off, and the auto-tuning parameter will return to the
Note: When auto tuning is in progress, and the [DI-K] digital input button function is set to RUN / STOP [STOP] or auto-tuning
RUN / STOP [AT] and the digital input terminal [DI-1] function switches RUN / STOP [STOP] or AUTO / MANUAL control
selection [MAN], auto-tuning stops automatically when the affected DI is entered, or a sensor disconnection error occurs.
(Resets the PID used before auto-tuning).
Auto-tuning is off or finished
Auto-tuning is in progress
Note: Auto-tuning will continue even if the temperature value exceeds or falls within the input range. When auto-tuning
is in progress, the parameters can only be referenced but not modified. Auto-tuning is not available for manual control.
5.6.5 Auto-Tuning Mode Settings
[PAR3 → AtT]
Auto tuning is available in [TUN1] mode (based on SV) or [TUN2] mode (based on 70% of SV), depending on the default
value used. Default setting: TUN1.
Auto-tuning period
Tun 1 mode
Tun 2 mode
Time (t)
70% of SV
Time (t)
Auto-tuning period
Automatically tunes and derives the PID time constant based on the Set Value
Automatically tunes and derives the PID time constant based on 70% of the Set Value
Note: In cooling control mode, [TUN2] mode calculates 70% based on 0. If SV = –100, it occurs at [TUN2] –70.