3. Activate LTE CAT M1 SIM Data plan
To activate Skywire modem and SIM card, visit:
to create an account. Follow the instructions to activate the SIM card. The IMEI is the
fifteen-digit number listed on top of the Skywire, and the ICCID is the twenty-digit
number on the SIM card holder.
4. Hardware Verification
4.1 Introduction
Now that the Skywire is installed in the NL-M1DK, it is time to verify that the Skywire
can connect to the network. This example uses TeraTerm on Windows 7, however the
process is similar for your platform. Generally,
Setup your terminal program to use baudrate 921600 and connect to your
Skywire port
Issue the listed AT commands to verify communications and network connectivity
4.2 Insert USB Cable
Insert the USB cable to port J20 on the NL-M1DK:
Insert the other end of the USB cable to your workstation.
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