Custom Settings: Fine-Tuning Camera Settings
File Number Sequence
If a picture is taken when the current folder contains a picture
numbered 9999, a new folder will be created and file numbering will
restart from 0001.
When the current folder number reaches 999, the camera will no longer
be able to create new folders and the shutter release will be disabled if:
- the current folder contains 5000 pictures (in addition, movie
recording will be disabled if the camera calculates that the number of
files needed to record a movie of the maximum length would result in
the folder containing over 5000 files), or
- the current folder contains a picture numbered 9999 (in addition,
movie recording will be disabled if the camera calculates that the
number of files needed to record a movie of the maximum length
would result in a file numbered over 9999).
To resume shooting, choose [
] for Custom Setting d6 [
File number
] and then either format the current memory card or insert a
new memory card.
Folder Numbering
If a picture is taken when the current folder contains 5000 pictures or a
picture numbered 9999, a new folder will be created and selected as the
current folder.
The new folder is assigned a number one higher than current folder
number. If a folder with that number already exists, the new folder will
be assigned the lowest available folder number.