The Photo Shooting Menu: Shooting Options
Multiple Exposure
If you use the menus or view pictures in the display while shooting a
multiple exposure, remember that shooting will end and the multiple
exposure will be recorded if no operations are performed for about
40 seconds (or in the case of menus, about 90 seconds). The time
available to record the next exposure can be extended by choosing
longer times for Custom Setting c3 [
Power off delay
] > [
] or
Multiple exposures may be affected by “noise” in the form of randomly-
spaced bright pixels, fog, or lines.
In continuous shooting modes, the camera records all exposures in a
single burst. If [
On (single photo)
] is selected, multiple exposure
shooting will end after the first multiple exposure is recorded. If [
] is selected, an additional multiple exposure will be recorded
each time the shutter-release button is pressed.
In self-timer mode, the interval between each shot in the exposure is
selected using Custom Setting c2 [
] > [
Interval between
]. Regardless of the value selected for the c2 [
Number of shots
option, shooting will however end after the number of shots selected
for the multiple exposure.
Multiple exposures may end if settings are changed while shooting is in
Shooting settings and photo info for multiple exposure photographs
are those for the first exposure.
Do not remove or replace the memory card while a multiple exposure is
in progress.
Memory cards cannot be formatted while a multiple exposure is in
progress. Some menu items will be grayed out and unavailable.