2019.02 / p
Electric Power Generation
Installation and maintenance
D510 C
Digital voltage regulator
4243 en -
The list of the faults that can be assigned to
the outputs are given below.
- Faults options
It is possible to configure the thresholds for
triggering certain faults:
- On temperature measurement (PT100)
- On stator current unbalance: it is possible
to set the level for sensing and unbalancing
level compare to the current mean value.
- On Stator Overcurrent: The current level
above which the fault is activated can be set.
- Over-excitation on curve protection
The over-excitation on curve prevents the
rotor over-heating by limiting the excitation
current to the 105% of its rated value. The
activation delay of this function depends on
the level of the excitation current. When for
instance, the excitation is 150% of the
nominal current, it will take 120s before the
limitation is applied.
- The Expert mode offers other functions
150% Iexc_nominal
105% Iexc_nominal