4. Measurement
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Pre-measurement confirmation
Verify the following items before starting a measurement.
Note that some of the items cannot be changed during a measurement.
After verifying all the items press the START button or Start/Stop button to start a
Verify whether a SD card is in place
No SD card being in place during a measurement will result in no data being recorded.
Before starting a measurement re-verify that an SD card is in place.
No SD card being present, the SD card being locked at the start of
measurement, or the SD card being removed during a measurement will result
in a warning being displayed on the EMP-2's LCD.
Setting confirmation
Verify that the following values have been set.
Full-scale value
The full scale of the display screen, if appropriate.
Alarm-generating level
The alarm-generating level, if necessary.
If necessary whether or not the alarm-generating level
is an appropriate value.
Confirmation of the interfering component check button
Verify that the interfering component check button is being displayed as
If displayed as
the mercury concentration cannot be measured.
(Refer to "Concerning the interfering component" in 4.3.5 "Measurement screen".)
Confirmation of the display screen lock
If the screen lock is active
operation of all buttons is disabled.
To start a measurement first release the screen lock and then press the START or
Start/Stop button, or press the Start/Stop button while the screen is still locked.
The screen lock can be released by pressing and holding any area of the display screen
other than the buttons for at least one second.