SC-2311 User Manual
common-mode noise
unwanted signals that appear in equal phase and amplitude on both the
inverting and noninverting input in a differential measurement system.
Ideally, but not completely in practice, the measurement device ignores this
noise, because the measurement device is designed to respond to the
difference between the inverting and noninverting inputs.
common-mode range
the input range over which a circuit can handle a common-mode signal
common-mode signal
the mathematical average voltage, relative to the ground of the computer,
of the signals from a differential input
common-mode voltage
any voltage present at both instrumentation amplifier inputs with respect to
amplifier ground
conditional retrieval
a method of triggering in which you simulate an analog trigger using
software. Also called software triggering.
conversion time
the time required, in an analog input or output system, from the moment a
channel is interrogated (such as with a read instruction) to the moment that
accurate data is available
a circuit that counts external pulses or clock pulses (timing)
an unwanted signal on one channel due to an input on a different channel
current drive capability
the amount of current a digital or analog output channel is capable of
sourcing or sinking while still operating within voltage range specifications
current sinking
the ability to dissipate current for analog or digital output signals
current sourcing
the ability to supply current for analog or digital output signals
digital-to-analog converter—an electronic device that converts a digital
number into a corresponding analog voltage or current
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