all information from Newton
applications 53–55
changing field maps and 80–83
description of 51–52
graphics 53, 101
from Newton device 51–57
from Newton Works 69–70
PICT files 101
selected information 56–57
troubleshooting 98–99
Export Selected dialog box 56
Extras drawer 10
Field Mapping dialog box 81, 82, 83
field maps
changing 80–83
description of 49, 57, 79
synchronization and 66
fields 79
See also
information; packages
Auto Dock and 15–17, 93
backup 19–27, 96
changing field maps for 80–83
conflict resolution and 74–78
delimited text 47, 48, 55, 83
exporting from Newton device 51–57
exporting from Newton Works 69–70
finding on computer 90
importing 41–49, 67–68
Newton Device file 20
PICT 101
Readme vii, 95
synchronizing 15–17, 59, 93
text 47–48, 51, 98
unrecognized, importing 45–47
word-processing 59, 101
finding files on computer 90
applications and 95
Backups 13, 19–20, 26–27
Newton Connection Utilities 7, 95, 96
Previous Backups 21
G, H
graphics, importing and exporting
53, 101
I, J
Connection 10
Dock 10
Extras Drawer 10
NCU Installer 6
Newton Connection Utilities
8, 35
Import button 12, 43, 90
Import dialog box 44, 47, 78, 84, 85
changing field maps and 80–83
conflict resolution for 75–76
description of 41–42
files 41–49
graphics 101
to Newton device
41–49, 91
into Newton Works 67–68
removing exact duplicates during 92
text files 47–48
troubleshooting 98–99
unrecognized files 45–47
backing up 15–17, 22–23, 93
conflict resolution and 74–78
entering with keyboard 37–40
exporting from Newton device 51–57,
importing to Newton device 41–49,
67–68, 91