NRP1000 Series IP Phone User Manual
New Rock Technologies, Inc. 5-13
5.4.5 DHCP Server
Figure 5-13 DHCP server setting interface
Table 5-11 DHCP server parameters setting
Name Description
DHCP Client
Lists the IP address and MAC address allocated through DHCP. If the LAN port of the
phone is connected with a device, this table shows the IP and MAC address of this
DHCP Lease
Shows the DHCP Lease Table, the unit of Lease time is Minute.
DHCP Lease
Table Settings
Lease Table
Specifies the name of a lease table.
Start IP Address
Specifies the start IP address of the lease table. From this address on, the LAN port
searches for IP addresses not occupied and allocates them to devices applying for
DHCP services.
End IP Address
Specifies the end IP address of the lease table. The number of IP addresses from the
start IP address to the end IP address specifies the number of devices that can access
DHCP services through the LAN port.
Leased Time
Sets the lease duration of an IP address of the lease table.