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G4 Spinner Squaring
The squareness of the G4 Spinner Assembly and supporting parts plays a critical role in obtaining
acceptable spread patterns� It is highly recommended that measurements are checked before spreading
with a new unit, and any time after service or repair work has been performed on any part affecting
spread patterns�
1� Figure 1 - Begin by ensuring that the Spinner
Assembly is mounted correctly� The Spinner
Frame should be sitting on top of/inside the
Sill flanges, NOT hanging below.
Figure 1
2� Figure 2 - Measure from the Spinner Frame
mounting flange to the end of the Sill on each
side� Measurement should be 9-7/8” (25cm)�
Measurements must be equal, or no greater
than 1/8” (0�3cm) off overall�
9.88 "
9.88 "
Figure 2
Initial Startup