Computer Control • 27
The controller returns “OK” for properly executed set commands.
If unable to carry out a command, the controller will use one of the
following responses:
“Out of Range” if the given value is outside the allowed range.
“Unknown Command” if the command is not recognized.
“Initializing” if the system is booting up.
“Operation not complete” if the laser is performing a long-
term operation (e.g. turning on the diode or scanning).
“Can’t scan in TRACK mode” if you try to initiate a scan while
the laser is in track mode.
“Not in interactive step mode” if you try to initiate a step while
not in interactive step mode.
“Offset out of Range: -2.5nm to 2.5nm” if you enter a
wavelength-offset value outside of this range.
“Trim Out of Range: 0.85 to 1.15” if you enter a power-trim
value outside of this range.
These typographical conventions are used in the following “Command
Summary” and “Command Definitions” sections.
The part of the command shown in uppercase represents the short
form of the command. The commands are case insensitive.
If the syntax shown is “:SOURce:CURRent?”, then the controller
will accept any of the following: “:SOUR:CURR?”, “:sour:curr?”, or
“:sour:current?”. It will not accept commands such as
“:SOURC:CURR?” or “:sour:curre?”.
Optional values and portions of syntax are indicated by square
brackets ([ ]).
Values to be input are indicated by angle brackets (< >) and are
separated from the command either by a space or by a colon, as
shown in the command syntax.
Commands all begin with an asterisk character, “*”,or a colon, “:”.
These characters are not optional.
64X7 rev Page 27 Tuesday, April 3, 2001 4:16 PM
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