Ambient lighting conditions may cause the scoreboard to be too bright or dim. To remedy this go to the
brightness options to toggle scoreboard brightness between bright or dim.
Better suited for daylight conditions to better see the scoreboard
Not well suited for low light conditions
Well suited for low light conditions
May be difficult to see during daylight conditions
To Change Brightness:
Press OPTIONS until the MPC-7X2 display reads
“****” represents High or Low
To toggle between High or Low scoreboard brightness
The team names option works with the Electronic Team Names (ETN) package in a Nevco scoreboard system.
Using this system can replace the usual vinyl HOME and GUESTS with an LED display used for displaying the
team names.
Electronic Team Name keypad
The Team name keypad is marked in the orange color on the MPC-7X2 keypad.
The standard function text and symbols have been removed for example only.
The letter and number keys are self explanatory. There is however a few function keys that are important to
know in the Electronic Team Name keypad.
Brightness: High
Brightness: Low
Brightness: ****