Proper Use
The detailed information of how to perform the examination is
described in the user manual for the
ware with the
additional module.
Depending on the examined animal, the position of its body
during ECG recording is different. The placement of electrodes
also differs significantly.
For horses, free standing posture is recommended; the limbs
should be perpendicular to the body. It is desirable that the
limbs are located parallel. The electrodes are applied in the
area of metacarpus and metatarsus, directly on the skin pre-
treated with alcohol and moistened with conductive fluid (elec-
trode gel). It is not necessary to cut out the hair in the areas of
electrode placement. There are three variants of electrode
placement: standard (from limbs), X-Y lead and apex lead. In
practice, the standard variant is used the most frequently; the
other variants are special and used rarely.
The placement of electrodes for standard 6-lead ECG is shown
in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Placement of electrodes for standard 6-lead ECG.