Connect the liquid detection sensor E-LD to a set of terminals (1-5) marked “DIGITAL IN”. The twisted orange sensing cable
should be placed flat on the surface (usually the floor) where liquid detection is desired. If tape is required to hold the sensor in
place, be sure to only apply tape to the ends, exposing as much of the sensor as possible. At least 5/8" of the sensor must be
exposed for it to function. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2- Liquid detection sensor
Note: The connection between the two-wire cable and the sensor cable is not designed for exposure to liquids and
cannot be submerged.
Liquid Detection Rope Maintenance
For periodic maintenance, you can clean the rope with isopropyl alcohol without completely removing the rope from its installed
1. Remove the section that you want to clean from its self-adhesive clips.
2. Soak the alcohol in a dye-free rag and proceed to wipe it around the rope, squeezing firmly while pulling the rag down the
length of the rope.
3. Flip the rag every several feet and re-saturate the rag with alcohol when needed.
4. After cleaning a section of the rope, you can replace it and continue to clean the next section in similar fashion.
5. Replace the rag if it becomes too dirty.
If the rope is still giving you problems after you have cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol or if you think the rope needs a good
scrubbing, you can clean it with warm soapy water. You will have to remove the rope from its installed location. It may be helpful
to label the sections of the rope or note their locations before you start for an easier re-installation.
1. Gather Dawn dish soap, a large bucket or plastic bin, warm water, soft-bristled scrub brushes, and clean rags.
2. Add dish soap to the bucket of water, approximately 1 cup of detergent to 1 gallon of warm water. To determine if the
solution is concentrated enough, place your finger and thumb in the water and rub them together. You should feel a
slick/slimy residue. If you do not feel a residue, add more detergent to the water and gently mix to distribute the soap.
3. Submerge a section of the rope in the water. Using a scrub brush or rag, scrub along all sides of the rope with firm
4. Remove the section of the rope from the soapy solution and rinse it in a bucket of clean, fresh water.
5. Ensure that there are no oily deposits along the length of the rope. If the rope does not appear clean, submerge it in
water and scrub again, repeating steps (3) to (5).
6. Hang the clean rope up to dry. Try to point the connectors down, so water cannot pool inside the connectors. The drying
process may take 6-8 hours, depending on the room conditions.
7. When the rope is completely dry, reinstall it in its original location.
Do not expose connector
to liquids.
Do not submerge.