Liquid Detection Sensors
Liquid Detection Sensors are available for simple connection to
the “Digital In” terminals (use model E-LD or E-LD-LC) or
the “RJ45 Sensor” ports (use model E-LDS).
Connect the two-wire cable (up to 1000 feet long) from a liquid detection sensor (E-LD shown in Figure 2-upper image) to a set of
“DIGITAL IN” contacts. For added range (up to 1000 more feet), use an E-LDS (shown in Figure 2-lower image) and connect to
an “RJ45 Sensor” port.
The twisted orange sensing cable should be placed flat on the surface (usually the floor) where liquid detection is desired. If tape
is required to hold the sensor in place, be sure to only apply tape to the ends, exposing as much of the sensor as possible. At
least 5/8" of the sensor must be exposed for it to function. (See Figure 2)
Figure 9- Secure liquid detection sensor with tape
To test the E-LD(S);
1. Configure the sensor. (Normal Status set to “Open”, Sampling Period set to 5 seconds.)
2. Submerge at least 1/2" inch of the exposed twisted orange wire (not the wrapped end) for up to 30 seconds. Do NOT
use distilled water as water must be conductive.
3. Monitor the sensor to see the sensor “Value” change from “Open” (dry) to “Closed” (wet).
4. Dry the exposed area of sensor and the sensor “Value” should change back to “Open” within 30 seconds.
Figure 10- Portion of Water Sensor configuration page
NOTE: When installing the E-LD-LC, it
is very important to assure the sensing
cable does not cross over itself or
cross conductive surfaces to avoid
false triggers.