NetComm Wireless NTC-40WV Industrial Indoor 3G Router with Voice
Ver 1.4
Setting the router to connect to a network
The router can be instructed by SMS to connect to one of the networks returned by the get plmnscan command. The set forceplmn
command forces the router to connect to a specified operator network (if available) while the get forceplmn command retrieves the
currently configured network on the router.
Command format:
set forceplmn=0|MCC,MNC| MCC,MNC,Network Type
For example:
set forceplmn=0
Sets the selection of operator and network type to automatic mode.
set forceplmn=505,3
Sets the operator to a manual selection made by the user where “505” is the Mobile Country Code for Australia and “3” is
the Mobile Network Code for Vodafone. As no network type (i.e. 3G or 2G) is specified, it is selected automatically.
set forceplmn=505,3,7
Sets the operator and network type to a manual selection made by the user where “505” is the Mobile Country Code for
Australia, “3” is the Mobile Network Code for Vodafone and “7” is the 3G network type.
Notes about the set forceplmn command:
If the manual selection fails, the device will fall back to the previous ‘good’ network.
When enabled, the SMS acknowledgement reply reflects the success or failure of the manual selection with respect to
command and includes the final MNC/MCC that was configured.
Confirming the currently configured operator and network type
You can retrieve the currently configured operator and network type using the get forceplmn command.
The get forceplmn command returns the operator and network type selection mode (Automatic/Manual), in addition to the MCC
and MNC values, for example:
This response indicates that the operator/network selection mode is Automatic, and the network used is Vodafone AU.
SMS diagnostics examples
The examples below demonstrate various combinations of supported commands. This is not an exhaustive list and serves as an
example of possibilities only.
Send SMS to change the data
connection username
Not required
set username=’NetComm’
PASSWORD set username= ”NetComm”
Send SMS to change the data
connection password
Not required
set password= `NetComm`
PASSWORD set password= `NetComm`
Send SMS to change the data
connection authentication
Not required
set authtype= ‘pap’
PASSWORD set authtype = pap
Send SMS to reboot
Not required
execute reboot
PASSWORD execute reboot
Send SMS to check the WAN IP
Not required
get wanip
PASSWORD get wanip
Send SMS to check the mobile
signal strength
Not required
get rssi
PASSWORD get rssi
Send SMS to check the IMEI
Not required
get imei
PASSWORD get imei