If the impaired node is
System prompt or password
prompt (enter system password)
Take over or halt the impaired node:
• For an HA pair, take over the impaired node from the healthy
storage failover takeover -ofnode
When the impaired node shows Waiting for giveback…, press
Ctrl-C, and then respond
Option 3: Controller is in a two-node MetroCluster
To shut down the impaired node, you must determine the status of the node and, if
necessary, switch over the node so that the healthy node continues to serve data from
the impaired node storage.
About this task
• If you are using NetApp Storage Encryption, you must have reset the MSID using the instructions in the
"Returning SEDs to unprotected mode" section of
Administration overview with the CLI
• You must leave the power supplies turned on at the end of this procedure to provide power to the healthy
1. Check the MetroCluster status to determine whether the impaired node has automatically switched over to
the healthy node:
metrocluster show
2. Depending on whether an automatic switchover has occurred, proceed according to the following table:
If the impaired node…
Has automatically switched over
Proceed to the next step.
Has not automatically switched
Perform a planned switchover operation from the healthy node:
metrocluster switchover
Has not automatically switched
over, you attempted switchover
with the
command, and the
switchover was vetoed
Review the veto messages and, if possible, resolve the issue and try
again. If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact technical
3. Resynchronize the data aggregates by running the
metrocluster heal -phase aggregates
command from the surviving cluster.