Chapter 1
Your new PRO 16/8 RAID Digital Video Recorder is featuring the high technology
of infrastructure with integration of surveillance system and RAID (A Redundant
Array of Independent Disks) function, provide high performance of advanced
DVR architectures as well as admirable internal storage capacity .
Your PRO 16/8 RAID Digital Video Recorder has built-in software compression
technology for streaming video. An Image Sensor camera can deliver clear, crisp
images at 30 fps (NTSC--
National Television Standards Committee
Television Standard) (25fps for PAL--
Phase Alternating Line
Television Standard) —
real continuous motion requires 24 fps
(frames per
And at a resolution of 320x240 (for NTSC) and 720x568 (for PAL) in
True Color allows for comfortable uncluttered viewing.
The most powerful advantage is its built-in RAID feature (RAID 0, 1, 5, 0+1) with
redundant function to pretend data loss from HDD failure. In addition, PRO 16/8
RAID’s amazing massive storage capacity with support 15 hot-swappable HDDs
to offer more than 6 months of recording duration. The high-end redundant
power supplies and fans protect the system from power failure and overheating.
The hot-swappable HDD, power supplies, air blowers and fans keep the system
clutter-free and allow administrators to install and remove the components
quickly and easily. With the high-tech superior architectures, PRO 16/8 RAID not
only lowers the total cost of the surveillance management, but also secure the
data to get rid of the headache of data lost problem.