5000 Series Dialler
Page 15
The Dialler provides 11 extra codes which can be used in exactly the same manner
as the first four of the Control Panel. To programme say, Code 5 to be 446,
first enter the PROGRAM mode and then press the buttons;
P 0 5 E 4 4 6 E 4 E 6 E
Similarly, to programme Code 15, press the buttons;
P 0 1 5 E code E code E
Note the leading 0 for the option number of these codes.
An extra telephone number has been provided for your use if so required.
Using this number, it is possible to have the Dialler ring the Central Monitoring Station
and then to ring you at home. It can even give you an audible status report
to tell you whether the Control Panel is Armed or Disarmed
and what zones have alarmed. Alternatively the number can be used
to call a 'beeper' type pocket pager to tell you that an alarm has occurred.
Your installer will advise you of exactly how the Dialler can be used to meet your needs.
If necessary, the installer can allow you to change this extra telephone number,
which can be up to 18 digits in length, including any PAUSE digits mentioned above.
To program the number to be l2345678,
first enter Program mode and then press the buttons:
P 33 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E
This option defaults to 0 seconds which means that Medical Alarms from the panel (1E)
are sent immediately. When the time is other than 0, then alarms are only sent
by the Dialler if the Medical Alarms are NOT received within that time
which may be Set from 1 to 250 which represents 0.1 to 25.0 hours.
Thus to programme the time to be 24 hours, first enter Program mode
and then press the buttons:
P 20 E 240 E
NOTE: Do not forget to change the time to 0 when you go on holidays.
Apparatus - Type : 5OOOD (5000 Series Dialler/Communicator)
Authorisation No.