Big, high roasts, goose, turkey, duck
= Long roasting times, low temperatures
Medium sized, low roasts
= Medium roasting times, medium temperatures
Small, flat roasts
= Short roasting times, high temperatures
Roasting time per cm of meat height without bones
app. 13-15 minutes
Roasting time per cm of meat height with bones
app. 15-18 minutes
We recommend
using the lower of the stated
temperatures first.
In general, the lower temperature ensures a more
even browning.
We recommend
turning the roast after half or two
thirds of the roasting time have elapsed when using
the setting
For roasting, use only cookware with oven-proof
Prepare large roast directly in the universal pan,
without using the wire shelf.
Smaller cuts of meat can be roasted on aluminium
foil. To do so, bend the edges of the foil upward, as
if to form a dish, and place it on the wire shelf.
After the end of the selected roasting time and with
the oven switched OFF, leave the roast in the closed
oven for approx. 10 minutes.
The roast is not done on
Use a lower roasting temperature.
the inside
Higher temperatures do not shorten roasting
times (done on the outside, raw on the inside).
Choose slightly longer roasting times.
Very moist roasts (e.g. roasts
You can let the steam escape from the oven and
prepared with water) cause a
thereby reduce the forming of water droplets by
lot of steam to generate in
briefly and carefully opening the oven door (once or
the oven that condenses on
twice, in case of longer roasting times more often).
the oven door.