V850ES/Jx3H – Plug it!
11.3.3 How to run the sample program
The sample application loads the communication data received by the buil-in USB function controller of
PD70F3760. It converts the data to uppercase characters or to lowercase characters (only ASCII
character data), and then executes the sending process by calling USB function controller sending
process. The sample application process monitors the data receiving flag to start the process. As
communication tool running on the host PC any terminal program supporting virtual communication
ports can be used. To establish a connection and run the sample please use the following procedure:
Connect port USB1 and start a debug session. In the Windows Device Manager the
debug port can be seen:
Communication Port
Figure 38: Jx3H_PLUGIT_COM-sample Debug Communication Port
Connect port USB2 and run the sample application. The Windows “Found New
Hardware Wizard” will pop up. Check that “No, not this time” is selected and click Next>.
Check that "No, not this time"
is selected.
Figure 39: Found New Hardware Wizard 1 (Windows XP)
User’s Manual U19647EE2V0UM00