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㻡㻚ᅔ䛳䛯䛸䛝䛾ฎ⌮㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌㻌

㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢䛤౑⏝䛥䜜䜛㝿䛾ὀព஦㡯ཬ䜃ᅔ䛳䛯䛸䛝䛾ฎ⌮䛻䛴䛔䛶䚸ୗグ䛻グ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌
㻌 ヱᙜ䛩䜛㡯┠䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸ㄝ᫂䛻ᚑ䛳䛶ṇ䛧䛟ᑐฎ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌



ᮏ〇ရ䛜ྲྀ䜚௜䛡䜙䜜䛶䛔䜛 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛻ཎᅉ䛜䛒䜛䛸ᛮ䜟䜜䜛䛸䛝䛿䚸ḟ䛾Ⅼ䛻䛴䛔䛶☜ㄆ䛚䜘䜃ᑐฎ䜢

㻻㼜㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻾㻻㻹 䛜ᒎ㛤䛷䛝䛶䛔䛺䛔ሙྜ㻌
䊻㻌 㻌 ᮏయ⿦⨨䛻ῧ௜䛾䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗䜢ཧ↷䛧䛶䚸౑⏝䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔ᶵ⬟䜒䛧䛟䛿ᮏ〇ရ䛜ᦚ㍕䛥䜜䛶䛔
䜛 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛾 㻻㼜㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻾㼛㼙 䜢 㻰㼕㼟㼍㼎㼘㼑㼐 䛻䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌

ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚௜䛡䛯 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛷␗ᖖ䛜Ⓨ⏕䛧䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ㻌
䊻㻌 㻌 䜒䛖୍ᗘ䛧䛳䛛䜚䛸ᮏ〇ရ䜢᥋⥆䛧┤䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌



䜣ᮏ〇ရ䜢ู䛾 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛻ྲྀ䜚௜䛡䛯ᚋ䚸ᮏయ⿦⨨䜢㉳ື䛧䛶⮬ᕫデ᩿䝥䝻䜾䝷䝮
䡞㻼㻻㻿㼀䡟䛾ᐇ⾜䛷␗ᖖ䛜䛺䛔䛣䛸䜢☜ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻼㻻㻿㼀 䛜ṇᖖ䛻⤊஢䛩䜛䜘䛖䛷䛧䛯


ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚௜䛡䛯ᚋ䚸㻻㻿 䜔䜰䝥䝸䜿䞊䝅䝵䞁䛜ṇᖖ䛻ືస䛧䛺䛛䛳䛯䛸䛝䛿䚸ḟ䛾Ⅼ䛻䛴䛔䛶☜ㄆ䛚䜘䜃ᑐ
ฎ䜢䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸ᮏయ⿦⨨䛻ῧ௜䛾䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗䜔䛂㻺㻤㻝㻥㻜㻙㻝㻡㻣㻭㻛㻝㻡㻤㻭㻌 㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌 㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䝁䞁䝖䝻䞊
䝷㻌 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹ᡭ㡰᭩䛃䜒䛒䜟䛫䛶ཧ↷䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌

㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜢䛚౑䛔䛻䛺䛳䛶䛔䜛ᮏయ⿦⨨䛻䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䛛䠛㻌
䊻㻌 㻌 䛂㻺㻤㻝㻥㻜㻙㻝㻡㻣㻭㻛㻝㻡㻤㻭㻌㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䝁䞁䝖䝻䞊䝷㻌 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹ᡭ㡰᭩䛃䜢ཧ↷䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌

䊻㻌 㻌 䜒䛖୍ᗘ䛧䛳䛛䜚䛸᥋⥆䛧┤䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌

㼃㼃㻼㻺 䜰䝗䝺䝇䜢฼⏝䛩䜛 㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 ⿦⨨䜢᥋⥆䛧䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ䚸㛫㐪䛳䛯 㼃㼃㻼㻺 䜰䝗䝺䝇䜢タᐃ䛧䛶䛔
䊻㻌 㻌 ௜㘓㻌 䛂ᮏ〇ရᐇ⿦ᚋ䛾 㼃㼃㻼㻺 䜰䝗䝺䝇☜ㄆ䛃䜢ཧ↷䛧䛶☜ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌

㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌 㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿ᣦᐃ䛥䜜䛯䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢㐺ษ䛺᮲௳䠄᥋⥆䝕䝞䜲䝇㛫䜿䞊䝤䝹㛗䚸㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌 㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘
䊻㻌 㻌 ᣦᐃ䛥䜜䛯 㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢㐺ษ䛺᮲௳䛷౑⏝䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻲㼕㼎㼞㼑㻌㻯㼔㼍㼚㼚㼑㼘 䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾ヲ⣽



䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻼㻻㻿㼀 䛜ṇᖖ䛻⤊஢䛩䜛䜘䛖䛷䛧䛯䜙䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛜ᨾ㞀䛧䛶䛔䜛䛣䛸䛜⪃䛘䜙



Summary of Contents for N8190-157A

Page 1: ...efore handling this product Please refer to this document if there is something that you do not understand or a problem occurs while using this product Store this guide close to this product for easy...

Page 2: ...ers and should be treated as such Note 1 No part of this document may be reproduced without consent 2 The content of this document may be changed without prior notice 3 No part of this document may be...

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Page 7: ...ution are the terms used here to express the level of danger These terms mean the following Indicates a hazard that can lead to death or serious injury Indicates a hazard that can lead to burning inju...

Page 8: ...c shock Indicates a hazard that can lead to fire Prohibited Action Indicates a general prohibition Indicates prohibition of disassembly or modification Do not touch with wet hand Otherwise an electric...

Page 9: an electric shock or fire as well as malfunctions of this product Do not handle this product during an electrical storm When installing this product in the computer please read the user s guide of...

Page 10: ...the cable Do not place any object on the cable Do not alter modify or repair the cable When disconnecting a cable push the latch hold the connector and pull it out straight Use only the Fibre Channel...

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Page 12: ...arrying out the work However there is no need to do this if the internal optional device is hot swappable This internal optional device consists of static sensitive electronic components To avoid fail...

Page 13: ...ry Canada Class A Emission Compliance Statement Avis de conformit la r glementation d Industrie Canada CAN ICES 3 A NMB 3 A CE Statement Warning This is a Class A product In a domestic environment thi...

Page 14: ...users with sufficient knowledge in the general handling of operating systems such as Windows a keyboard and mouse and general I O devices Symbols Used in This Guide The following three symbols are us...

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Page 16: ...ed software must be deleted before this product is transferred or sold Transportation When transporting this product please refer to the packing list to remove this product from the basic processing u...

Page 17: ...1 3 9 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 17 17 21 23 25 26 27 29 30 38 42 44...

Page 18: ...ations 45 1 2 Features 45 2 Components 3 Names and Functions 4 Setup 4 1 Selection and Installation of Bracket 49 4 2 Install the Card 51 4 3 Connecting Fibre Channel Devices 53 4 4 Installing the Dri...

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Page 47: ...l Controller 1ch is a Fibre Channel host bus adapter card This product has a Fibre Channel interface connector Do not connect this product to a computer or Fibre Channel device that is not recommended...

Page 48: ...ded with the product If you find any of them are missing or damaged please contact the retailer you bought the product from 3 Names and Functions 4 LED Yellow Green 1 PCI Express connector 2 Bracket 6...

Page 49: ...Off Off Boot Failure Dead Board Off On POST Failure Dead Board Off Slow Blink Boot Failure after POST Off Flashing POST Processing in Progress On Off Failure While Functioning On On Failure While Fun...

Page 50: Page 49 Selection of bracket to use for this product Install the card Page 51 Install this product in the computer Connecting Fibre Channel Devices Page 53 Connect Fibre Channel Devices to this pro...

Page 51: ...racket with the attached low profile one The procedure is as follows Exchange of a bracket uses the minus screwdriver suitable for the size of a screw Remove the SFP module temporarily Remove the dust...

Page 52: ...1 Return the lever of the SFP module to the home position and then insert the SFP module until you hear it click After insert all SFP modules put dust covers to them Follow the same procedure when the...

Page 53: is powered off its internal components such as hard disks are very hot Leave the computer until its internal components fully cool down before installing removing any component Connect firml...

Page 54: ...e can lead to damage Replace the SFP module removed in item 3 Return its lever to the home position and then insert SFP module until you hear it click If the SFP module is not correctly inserted to th...

Page 55: ...perature conditions Immediately after the computer is powered off its internal components such as hard disks are very hot Leave the computer until its internal components fully cool down before instal...

Page 56: ...oduct is connected to Fibre Channel device by Fibre Channel cable that is not recommended by NEC Corporation the product may malfunction or fail Use Fibre Channel cables under conditions that conform...

Page 57: ...refer to the N8190 157A 158A Setup Card and the user s guide of the computer together Is the driver for the Fibre Channel Controller installed Is the product installed in the computer correctly Pleas...

Page 58: ...r assigned to the Fibre Channel device close the Computer Management and try to access again 2 Reboot Computer if possible and try to access again For All OS Is the Fibre Channel where this product is...

Page 59: ...lled The computer z Confirm that no built in disk is connected to the computer which will be started from the Fibre Channel device If a built in disk is connected the system may not start or you may e...

Page 60: ...slot which installed this product this message is not displayed Refer to the computer s User s Guide for how to enable the Option Rom of PCI slot This product s BIOS menu consumes a lot of memories T...

Page 61: ...mple is just for your reference Some of them may be different depending on the computer or its configurations 4 When the menu is displayed select the port connected to the Fibre Channel device Then yo...

Page 62: ...ou selected a wrong number in the above step press Esc key to return to the previous window and select the correct one If you have selected the correct figure confirm that the Fibre Channel device is...

Page 63: ...u have selected a device you see a window to enter a starting number for the device s LUNs like 9 Enter 00 indicating LUN0 for the LUN starting number Then a window to select an LUN for the device is...

Page 64: ...11 Select Boot this device via WWPN Then you see Boot device s settings window again Confirm that the top item on the list is Used 12 Press Esc key to return to the menu like...

Page 65: ...13 Select Enable Disable Boot from SAN Then you see the settings window like 14 Select Enable and confirm that Boot BIOS is Enabled is displayed...

Page 66: ...key to return to the adapter list and setting ports by the same steps from 4 16 Now you have made settings to start installing an operating system on your Fibre Channel device Press Esc key to exit th...

Page 67: ...ration submenu in the SETUP utility of the computer Refer to the computer s User s Guide for how to use the SETUP utility 4 Select this product LPe16000B from the list of devices which UEFI driver loa...

Page 68: ...uct confirm the WWPN which you selected Refer Appendix B Confirm WWPN addresses after setup to find this product s WWPN If you have selected the correct WWPN confirm that the Fibre Channel device is p...

Page 69: ...1 Select Delete Boot Device and press Enter to display the registered Boot Devices list If there is no problem in this list press Esc to return to main menu If there are any wrong Boot Devices select...

Page 70: ...Channel boot device Press Esc key to return to the adapter list and setting ports by the same steps from 5 Press Esc to return to the adapter list If select Back to UEFI Device Manager and RECONNECT D...

Page 71: ...while the following message is displayed Then you see this product s BIOS menu Without enable the Option Rom of PCI slot which installed this product this message is not displayed Refer to the compute...

Page 72: ...simultaneously to reboot the computer Then start the steps from the beginning The above message sample is just for your reference Some of them may be different depending on the computer or its config...

Page 73: ...splayed By changing the Node Name header 2000 to 1000 you will get WWPN address Example Node Name 2000 0090 FA21 1128 WWPN address 1000 0090 FA21 1128 Do not select Back to UEFI Device Manager and REC...

Page 74: ...poration 2016 This guide is made with recycled paper 856 180533 001 BP N8190 157A Fibre Channel 1ch Fibre Channel Controller 1ch User s Guide 856 180533 001 B 2016 3 March 2016 Second Edition TEL 03 3...
