User’s Manual U14492EJ3V0UD
Figure 11-3. Time Stamp Function Setting for Message Reception (When C1CTRL Register’s TMR Bit = 1)
ACK field
Time stamp
CAN message buffer n
<1> When the EOF is detected on the CAN bus (a valid message is acknowledged), the captured time stamp
counter value is copied to the M_TIMEn register in CAN message buffer n when a message is stored in
CAN message buffer n.
n = 00 to 31
In a global time system, the timer value must be captured using the SOF.
In addition, the ability to capture the time stamp counter value when message is stored in CAN message buffer n is
useful for evaluating the FCAN controller’s performance.
The captured time stamp counter value is stored in CAN message buffer n, so CAN message buffer n has its own
time stamp function (n = 00 to 31).
When the SOF is detected on the CAN bus while transmitting a message, there is an option to replace the last two
bytes of the message with the captured time stamp counter value by setting bit 5 (ATS) of CAN message control
register n (M_CTRLn). This function can be selected for CAN message buffer n on a buffer by buffer basis. Figure
11-4 shows the time stamp setting when the ATS bit = 1.