1. System Utilities
Express5800/R120h-1M, R120h-2M Maintenance Guide
Chapter 2 Useful Features
Parameter Description
Initiator IP Address
IP Address
The IP address of the iSCSI initiator if not configured
via DHCP. The Initiator IP Address is always
auto-assigned if IP address type is IPv6. The address
can be IPv4 or IPv6, depending on the IP address
Inisator Subnet Mask
IP Address
The subnet mask of the iSCSI initiator if not
configured via DHCP. The address needs to be an
IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on the IP address
Initiator Gateway
IP Address
The gateway address of the iSCSI initiator if not
configured via DHCP. The address needs to be an
IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on the IP address
Target DHCP Config
(Check Box)
Enables or disables configuring the iSCSI target
settings from DHCP.(def:0)
Traget Name
String of 4 to 223
alphanumeric characters
The unique iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of the iSCSI
target, if not configured via DHCP. Only IQN format is
accepted. EUI format is not supported.
For example:
Target IP Address
IP Address
The IP Address of the iSCSI target, if not configured
via DHCP. The address must be an IPv4 or IPv6
address, depending on the IP address type.
Target Port
The iSCSI target TCP port number, if not configured
via DHCP. Valid port numbers range from 1-65535.
Typical iSCSI port numbers include 860 or 3260. If no
port number or any other number deemed invalid is
specified, the value 3260 will be used.
Target Boot LUN
The iSCSI target Logical Unit Number (LUN), if not
obtained from DHCP. This value must follow the
SAM-2 spec. E.g. 0001-1234-5678-9ABC. If the
number is less than 5 characters, a dash character is
not required. E.g. 0001. If the lun number is 12345,
input 1234-5.
Authentication Type
The iSCSI connection authentication method. This
can be None for no security or CHAP for Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
[One way]
The CHAP authentication type. When configured to
One way, the target authenticates the initiator. When
configured to Mutual, both the initiator and target
authenticate each other. This is applicable only when
the Authentication Method is set to CHAP.
CHAP Use Name
String of up to 126
The user name for CHAP authentication from the
initiator to the target. This is applicable only when the
Authentication Method is set to CHAP.
CHAP Secret
String of 12 to 16
alphanumeric characters
The password needed for CHAP authentication. Must
be between 12 and 16 characters long. This is
applicable only when the Authentication Method is
set to CHAP.
Mutual CHAP User Name
String of up to 126
The user name for Mutual (reverse) CHAP
authentication (from the target to the initiator). This is
applicable only when the Authentication Method is
set to CHAP and the CHAP Type is set to Mutual.