1. System Utilities
Express5800/R120h-1M, R120h-2M Maintenance Guide
Chapter 2 Useful Features
Date and Time Menu
When you select
System Configuration
BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU)
Date and Time
from the
System Utilities, the
Date and Time
menu appears.
For details about the options, see the table below.
Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Enter the date in the month/day/year (mm/dd/yyyy)
format. Use 1-12 for entering months, 1-31 for
entering days, and 1900-9999 for entering years.
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format. Use the 24-hour
format for entering hours: 15:00 for 3 PM. Use 0-59
for entering minutes and seconds.
UTC-12:00, International Date
Line West
UTC+09:00, Osaka Sapporo,
Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk
UTC+14:00, Line Islands
Unspecified Time Zone
This option displays the current time zone setting for
the system.
Daylight Savings Time
This option controls the Daylight Savings Time (DST)
adjustment to the displayed local time. If this option
is disabled, the displayed local time will not be
adjusted for DST. If this option is enabled, the
displayed local time will be advanced by one hour.
Time Format
[Coordinated Universal Time
Local Time
This option controls how the system time is stored in
the hardware Real Time Clock (RTC). When
configured to 'Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)'
(default) the local time is calculated from the
associated time zone value. When configured to
'Local Time' the time is stored directly as local time
and the time zone option does not have meaning.
Setting this option to 'Local Time' works around an
issue when using Microsoft Windows operating
systems in Legacy Boot Mode where the time is set
[ ]: Default setting
Check that the time, date, and time zone are correct.
Check the system clock about once every month. If you want to operate it with high
accuracy, it is recommended that you use a time server (NTP server) or the like.
If the system clock significantly delays or advances over time even after you adjust
it, contact your dealer or maintenance service company.
If you are using Windows, set
Time Format
Local Time