1. System Utilities
Express5800/R120h-1M, R120h-2M Maintenance Guide
Chapter 2 Useful Features
For details about the options, see the table below.
Option Parameter
System Configuration
Displays the
System Configuration
You can
use this option to set up the System Utilities, the other
system devices, and the option card devices.
One-Time Boot
Displays the
One-Time Boot
menu. Use this option to
boot the system only one time from a device not
dependent on the predefined boot order. Selecting a
device through
One-Time Boot
menu does not change
the predefined boot order.
Embedded Application
Displays the [Embedded Application] menu. By using
this option, you can update
Embedded UEFI Shell
[EXPRESSBUILDER], and firmware or display
[Embedded Diagnostics], [Integrated Management
Log], and [Active Health System Log].
System Information
Displays the
System Information
menu. Use this
menu to view system information including the system
name, system ROM version, date, processor
information, and memory information.
System Health
Displays the
System Health
Use this option to
display the health status of all the devices within this
machine. When an error is detected during POST,
<F2> View Information/Errors appears. This starts up
by pressing the <F2> key.
Exit and resume system boot
Exits the System Utilities and continues with the usual
boot process.
Reboot the System
Exits the System Utilities and restart the BIOS.
Select Language
Simplified Chinese
Changes the current language of the system.
Seup Browser Selection
Selects the setup browser to use. In the [Auto] mode,
use [Text] when the user enters the System Utilities via
the serial console or [GUI] when the user enters it via
the IRC or physical terminal.
[ ]: Default setting