1. System Utilities
Express5800/R120h-1M, R120h-2M Maintenance Guide
Chapter 2 Useful Features
(a) Boot Time Optimizations Menu
When you select
System Configuration
BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU)
System Options
Time Optimizations
from the System Utilities, the
Boot Time Optimizations
menu appears.
For details about the options, see the table below.
Option Parameter
Dynamic Power Capping
This setting is to correct the power value during
If this is set to [Auto], the power value is corrected at
the first startup of this device. After this, correction of
this value is performed when this device is
configured or the settings are changed.
If this is set to [Disabled], the power value is not
corrected, and Dynamic Power Capping is not
If this is set to [Enabled], the power value is
corrected every time the device starts up.
Extended Memory Test
When enabled, the system validates memory during
the memory initialization process. If uncorrectable
memory errors are detected, the memory is mapped
out, and the failed DIMMs are logged to the
Integrated Management Log (IML). Enabling this
option can result in a significant increase in the
server boot time.
Memory Fast Training
This option enables a boot time reduction by
controlling when the BIOS bypasses the full memory
training. When enabled, the server bypasses the full
memory training during boot, and uses memory
parameters determined on a previous boot to
decrease boot time. Note that even when enabled,
the BIOS performs a full memory training if the
DIMM configuration or processor configuration
changes, or if there is a change in any BIOS setting
related to memory or processor configuration. When
disabled, the server performs a full memory training
on every server boot.
UEFI POST Discovery Mode
Force Full Discovery
Force Fast Discovery
Use this option to configure the UEFI POST
Discovery Mode. When Auto is selected, the system
selectively starts devices which are required for
booting the devices in the UEFI Boot Order list.
Note: For some situations with auto mode like
system configuration change, the system will
change to start all devices for discovering all boot
devices. When Force Full Discovery is selected, the
system starts all devices in the system providing full
boot device availability.
Note: When Force Full Discovery is selected, boot
time might significantly increase. When Force Fast
Discovery is selected, the system starts devices as
less as possible for getting the shortest boot time.
Note: When Force Fast Discovery is selected, some
unsupported device might not work properly. You
might need to replace the unsupported device with
the supported one.
Memory Clear on Warm Reset
Use this option to configure when memory is cleared
on warm resets. When disabled, the contents of
memory are only cleared on a warm reset if
requested by the operating system. When enabled,
memory is cleared on all reboots. Disabling this
option can save boot time by skipping the clearing of
memory on warm resets.
[ ]: Default setting
*1: an option usable with System ROM Version 1.20 or later.