Thank you for your purchase of the EdgeMarc 4500 SOHO Router. This installation guide
describes the EdgeMarc 4500 and hardware installation procedures. It is intended for network
installers, network operators, and security officers.
About this Guide
The following table briefly describes each chapter and appendix in this guide.
Typographic Conventions
Task steps are presented in numbered lists. User inputs are displayed in boldface type and can
represent either keyboard input or mouse selections in a browser window. Web GUI menus
and input areas are represented in italic type.
Denoted with a pencil icon, notes emphasize useful information.
Denoted with an exclamation point icon, cautions indicate situations in which proper
procedures must be followed to avoid the risk of data loss or equipment damage.
Denoted with a lightening bolt symbol, warnings indicate situations in which proper procedures
must be followed to avoid the risk of bodily injury.
Chapter or Appendix
Chapter 1, Overview
Summary of the functional features of the
EdgeMarc 4500; describes front-panel LEDs
and physical features of the back panel
Chapter 2, Getting Started
Instructions for installing the EdgeMarc 4500
and accessing the VOS for EdgeMarc
management software.
Appendix A, Specifications
List of technical specifications of the
EdgeMarc 4500.
Appendix B, Warranty Information
Text of the hardware warranty for the
EdgeMarc 4500.
Appendix C, Certification
Information about agency compliance.