Glossary 21
Random Access Memory. A storage device into which data is
entered and from which data is retrieved in a nonsequential
manner. On the system board, RAM is semiconductor-based
memory that can be read and written to by the microprocessor
or other hardware devices. In RAM, data can be directly and
randomly read or written (with any choice for the address). It’s
the storage location for data that needs to be immediately
available for every application in use on your computer.
To extract data from a storage device such as a diskette.
Read-Only Memory. Memory in which stored data cannot be
modified by the user except under special conditions.
The process of returning a device to zero or to an initial or
arbitrarily selected condition.
The degree of screen image clarity. Video display resolution is
determined by the number of pixels on the screen. Resolution
is usually specified in pixels by scan lines, for example, 640 by
480. See pixels.
Standard interface for serial devices.
Single-Edge Contact. The SEC cartridge containing the
Pentium II processor. See Slot 1.