7350-K978 R6L Upgrade, Narrow Size Core
Installing the 7360 Tri–Light/Lane Light Assembly (Optional)
To install the Tri–Light/Lane Light assembly, follow these steps:
Complete this procedure if replacing the R5 Tri–Light/Lane Light assembly with
the R6 Tri–Light/Lane Light assembly.
1. Remove the existing Tri–Light/Lane Light assembly, if necessary. For more
information, refer to
Removing the Tri-Light /Lane Light Assembly and Pole
2. Install the 7360 Tri–Light/Lane Light pole by doing the following:
a. Insert the Tri–Light/Lane Light cable extender through the Tri–Light/Lane Light
To make routing the cable extender through the pole easier, first attach a
weight (for example, a large bolt) to a long piece of string and drop the weighted
end of the string through the Tri–Light/Lane Light pole (starting at the top-end).
Once the string is threaded through the pole, tie the non-weighted end of the
string around the cable connector and then pull the cable extender through the
b. Carefully insert the pole into the hole on the back of the display tower of R6 Lite
Narrow Core unit.