L230/L130 User Manual
Completing the Offline Registration Process
You will normally receive an immediate email that your registration file has been
received, and the vSpace license file should be returned within another 5 to 10 minutes.
you receive the host system’s license files, save it in a convenient disk location,
and restart
the “Registration Wizard,”
“Complete offline registration by using activation file” option and click “Next” and
navigate to the disk directory where you have stored the returned license/activation file.
Click “Select” to do the navigation, and click “Open” once you have located the correct
license file.
Then click “Next” to load the license file and apply it to the vSpace host
After the offline file is loaded, you see the “Registration results” screen. You may want
to click the check box for the “Register future L-series devices in the background” option,
to have vSpace to automatically register any unregistered L-series access devices that
connect to this system in the future. Note that this “background registration” feature
requires standard Internet connectivity.