L230/L130 User Manual
Click “Next” and the vSpace software will then be installed.
At the "Add new users" pop-up, select whether or not you would like to add new users to
the system. If you click on the "Yes" button, the installation program will launch a screen
to administer user accounts on the host PC. If you click the "No" button, the installation
process will continue without bringing up the user administration screen.
Note: It is recommended that all users have their own user accounts to enable control of
their own settings. If you click on the “Yes” button, the “Local Users and Groups”
Windows utility (screen shot shown below) will be displayed on an otherwise blank
overlay screen. You can right click and select “New User…” to add each desired
individual user account. When you are finished adding users, close the “Local Users
and Groups” utility and you will be brought back to finish the vSpace installation process.