Customizing Your NAVIGON 7100
The Settings Window
NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide
January 2008
Revision 2.0
2D Map:Show Street Names
Indicate whether to show street names on maps
displayed in 2D view mode.
2D Map Orientation
Indicate the orientation of maps shown in 2D map
view mode. Options are: Direction of Travel (the
direction you are driving is always at the top of the
map), or Always North (magnetic North is always
at the top of the map).
Show Altitude and Speed
Show or hide the altitude and current speed on a
displayed map.
Display Compass
Show or hide a small compass on screen during
Show Remaining Distance
Show or hide the distance remaining to the desti-
nation or an interim destination, if applicable.
Show Duration of Journey
Show or hide the travel time remaining to the desti-
nation or an interim destination, if applicable.
Show Time of Arrival
Show or hide the time of arrival at the destination
or an interim destination, if applicable.
Info When Crossing Borders
Show or hide local speed restrictions when cross-
ing a country border.
Show Speed Limits
Select whether to show highway speed limits.
Options are always, only when exceeding the
speed limit, or never.
Warnings Within Urban Areas
Indicate whether a warning displays when exceed-
ing the speed limit in densely populated areas.
Options are to never warn, or to display a warning
when 5, 10, 15 or 20 mph over the stated speed
Warnings Outside of Urban Areas
Indicate whether a warning displays when exceed-
ing the speed limit in less densely populated or
rural areas. Options are to never warn, or to dis-
play a warning when 5, 10, 15 or 20 mph over the
posted speed limit.
Warn Against Certain Speed Limits
Show or hide speed limit restrictions in force dur-
ing special situations, such as rain, snow, time of
day restrictions, etc.
Menu Animation
Indicate whether the opening of menus is ani-
Distance Unit
Indicate the distance unit to be used, either Miles
or Kilometers.
Time Format
Indicate how times are displayed, either a 12 hour
format (with am and pm), or a 24 hour format.
Coordinates Display
Show or hide coordinates.
Coordinate Format
If coordinates are shown, indicate whether they
display in decimal format or in minutes and sec-
onds format.