Nautilus® Sport Series Treadmill Assembly Manual
step 3: Connecting the Wiring harness
Locate the following for this step:
• assembly from step 2
• Console assembly
3-1 Connect wiring harness from the bottom of the
right upright to the Lower Control Board by routing
the cable through the Motor Pan Wiring Clip
located on the Base assembly and connecting the
6-pin and 8-pin connectors.
3-2 Connect the wiring harness from the top of the
right upright to the connector in the right handrail
of the console assembly, matching the 6-pin and
8-pin connectors.
bASe ASSembly guide
Figure 3: step 3 Connecting Wiring harness
3-1: Motor pan
Wiring Clip
& Wiring
mAKe SuRe thAt
the cABleS
cANNOt cOme iNtO
cONtAct With ANy
mOviNg PARtS By
SecuRiNg them
iN the mOtOR PAN
WiRiNg cliP BeFORe
3-2: Console
Use caution when connecting the
wiring harness to ensure that the
wires do not become pinched or
come into contact with any moving
part. The treadmill will not work
and an electric shock hazard may be
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