Display Settings
It is possible to choose from Daylight and Nightlight Display Settings; it is further possible to adjust the
Brightness and Contrast Settings for both Display Settings.
The maximum setting for Brightness and Contrast is <
>, the minimum setting is <
It is possible to automatically switch the Display Settings on the
X-Pack DS
to Day or Night Settings from
any Menu Screen by pressing the [
N 1^20' E 0^14' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm
*********** Display Settings ***********
+-[*] Day Min Max
| +---- Brightness:<9> [*********]
| +---- Contrast : 6 [****** ]
+-[ ] Night Min Max
+---- Brightness: 3 [*** ]
+---- Contrast : 2 [** ]
NUM| DayNight| | | Back
Dynamic Keys: Display Settings
Switch between Day
or Night Settings
Switch between Day
or Night Settings
Return to Main Menu
[Up] /
Navigate Input Fields
[Left] /
Regulate Modes
The Brightness and Contrast Setting can be directly changed from the keyboard by inputing the
desired value.
X-Pack DS User Manual
Version 1.0
Page 60 of 74
Printed on 02.04.2003