Vessels Cargo:
Indicates the type of cargo on board
N/A or harmless
Further Vessel Details:
Draught : 3.3m
ETA : 10/15 12:31
NavSt : Moored
Information on the vessel’s Equipment Position Finding Device:
Position Accuracy and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE):
PosAcc :High <10m DTE :Available
The accuracy of the position is higher than 10 m (= High <10m), the opposite would be less than 10m (= Low
>10m). This information indicates that the vessels Transponder is connected with a user interface and can
show AIS Data. This function basically ensures, that the current Transponder being used is fitted with a
display and can therefore send and receive messages.
As the
X-Pack DS
is fitted with an integrated display unit, it will always show “DTE: Available”.
X-Pack DS User Manual
Version 1.0
Page 35 of 74
Printed on 02.04.2003