Confirmation of Sent Addressed Message
The confirmation screen shows the successful message transmission and indicates which channels
(AIS1 or AIS2) were used.
Successful Message Transmission on Channel AIS1:
LAT:N 1^18.963'ExtSOG:34.6kn 11/21/2002
LON:E 0^12.408'IntCOG:173.0 09:11:08
Ships:21 /B IntGPS: 3D Region6
Transmission Status
[+] AIS1:OK, acknowledgement received
[-] AIS2:
| | Send To | |<-Back
In some cases, the recipient’s Transponder may not be able to receive the message immediately – due to
Transponder in-operation. In this case, the confirmation of the send message arrives later, upon
Transponder re-operation.
Successful Message Confirmation (late reply):
LAT:N 1^18.992'ExtSOG:34.6kn 11/21/2002
LON:E 0^12.436'IntCOG:173.0 12:55:06
Ships:21 /B IntGPS: 3D Region6
Transmission Status
[?] AIS1:Late reception of an ack.
[ ] AIS2:
| | Send To | |<-Back
X-Pack DS User Manual
Version 1.0
Page 21 of 74
Printed on 02.04.2003