Madsen AccuScreen OAE & ABR Screener User Manual
Brief description
Thank you for purchasing the AccuScreen handheld Otoacoustic Emissions and Automated ABR
Note: This manual is your guide to the use and maintenance of AccuScreen. We strongly
recommend that you read it carefully before using AccuScreen for the first time.
You should take particular note of the cleaning and maintenance instructions. Failure to use and
maintain AccuScreen correctly may void your warranty.
AccuScreen is a fast, reliable, easy to use, and lightweight hearing screener, optimized for
neonatal screening.
AccuScreen provides for easy navigation using its touchscreen function.
Docking station
AccuScreen is supplied with a docking station that provides for:
recharge of the battery
data transfer between AccuScreen and PC
label print
AccuLink software program
AccuLink is a software program providing data management handling with result review and configuration capabilities in a
single PC application.
From AccuLink you can create, edit, view, and print data relating to patients and tests, users, sites and connected locations
and facilities.
From AccuLink you can configure AccuScreen to suit your purposes. This includes defining mandatory fields in patient hand-
ling, defining which screens are to be shown in AccuScreen, and uploading and downloading data.
AccuScreen is operated independently of AccuLink, although additional features and configuration value are provided by the
AccuLinks user interface.
Note: You can review the procedures for installing and setting up the AccuLink software in the AccuLink Management
Software User Manual.
Note: You must select a data exchange system during AccuLink installation to be able to import or export data from or to
a data exchange system and AccuLink software.
For printing instructions see Printing
With AccuScreen you can upload data to AccuLink and print test results from the PC, or you can place AccuScreen in the
docking station and print directly to a label printer connected to the docking station.