Madsen AccuScreen OAE & ABR Screener User Manual
Preparing the test environment
Physical environment
Make sure that the test environment is as quiet as possible. The quieter the room is, the more accurate and quick
your testing will be.
Check that testing is not being done under an air conditioner or in front of a fan or ventilator.
Check that there are no mobile phones in the vicinity, people talking etc.
Hygienic precautions
Be sure to follow any established infection control procedures for the setting in which you are working.
Clean probe body, probe cable and probe plug before each patient or if surface is visibly contaminated.
Clean ABR electrode cable and electrode cable plug before each patient or if surface is visibly contaminated.
Use a sterile alcohol wipe to clean the surfaces and wait until the probe body, probe cable and probe plug are
com pletely dry.
Note: A sterile alcohol wipe typically contains isopropyl alcohol 70%. It is important to have the disinfectant in contact with
the surface for the period specified by the disinfectant manufacturer to ensure its effectiveness.
Always use new eartips.
Always use new ABR electrodes.
Always use new ear couplers.
Preparing the patient
Newborn hearing screening
Newborn hearing screening with OAE and ABR is best performed when the baby is sleeping. The ideal time is after the
baby has been fed and changed.
It is recommended that newborn babies be swaddled tightly for ABR testing. Swaddling has a very calming effect.