Insert the trays into the unit,
with the small drip tray at the far end away from the
cure door.
See diagram.
Place on the black floor tray provided. Do not use on carpet or wood or other
unsealed floor materials, as occasional drips or leaks may cause damage.
Use indoors or outdoors. Cold outdoor winter temperatures are acceptable. A
warmer location will generally produce compost faster, up to 120°F (50°C).
Rain or snow will not damage the unit. Protect the power supply from direct
contact with rain: we recommend an “in-use” electrical receptacle cover,
available at most hardware stores.
The unit can be installed inside a standard kitchen cabinet. Visit
for cabinet installation kit.
Plug in the power cord. It is shipped inside the unit. Never unplug for more than
24 hours. The POWER light should be on at all times.
Position the back of the unit at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away from a wall.
THE FIRST TIME you use your NatureMill, establish the natural compost cultures.
This is needed only once:
ADD FOOD SCRAPS to the upper mixing chamber until HALF FULL.
Don’t overload. See enclosed Compost Guide for a list of foods.
ADD 1 CUP (250ml) sawdust pellets (included) to balance the green-
brown chemistry.
ADD 1 TABLESPOON (15 ml) baking soda (included) to balance the
acidity (pH) level.
PLUG IN THE POWER and WAIT 48 hours. Do not add any more
food items. The green POWER light should be on. Keep the lid and
front door closed. Do not use Energy Save or Heavy Duty modes. If
you smell any trash odor, add another cup sawdust pellets and wait
several more days.
WHAT TO EXPECT: Composting is a SLOW process. It may seem like nothing is
happening. The motor will mix every 4 hours for several minutes at a time. There
should be no odor, other than a mild earthy aroma when you open the lid. You will
hear whirring and snapping sounds, and the hum of the air pump. This is normal!
The unit will become quiet in a few days or weeks, once it heats up and breaks in,
and you add more food waste. After the 48 hour period described above, deposit
food waste items at any time.
After the cultures are established, add waste items to the upper mixing
chamber any time on any day, as per the enclosed Compost Guide.
Add a cup
(250 ml) or more of sawdust pellets and a tablespoon (15 ml) baking soda
every five cups (1.25 l) of food waste. These maintain the natural compost
balance, and are essential for healthy, dry compost without trash odors.
Sawdust is a waste product, so composting it reduces landfill. A supply of
sawdust pellets is included. Visit
to learn how to get free refills.
Most lumber yards give away free sawdust. Be sure it is dry and from untreated,
unpainted wood. Add twice the amount of plain sawdust as you would pellets.
Cut items into 4 inch pieces (10 cm) to aid decomposition. Smaller is better.
Don’t pulverize. Avoid hard, stringy, fibrous items, or cut into very small pieces.
If you experience a trash odor or wetness:
add another cup of sawdust pellets
and a tablespoon of baking soda. Close the lid and wait 2-3 days.
Do not add more than one tablespoon of baking soda at a time.
If compost is dry or dusty, add more wet items or one cup (250ml) tap water.