Electronic pellet burner controller - NPBC-V6T-2
The next step is burning control with power modulation. The controller supports settings for
4 different power levels. Three of them are used for normal burners' work and for the heating of
the boiler. The 4th power level maintains the burning fire to avoid unnecessary cycles of
extinguishing, cleaning and ignition when the water in the boiler has reached the set temperature.
Of course, if there is no need for new energy in the heating system for a long time, the burner will
turn off. The dose of pellets that will be fed into the burning chamber and which determines the
current power is a function of:
the productivity of the fuel auger, the time of operation of the auger and the cycle between
two turnings on of the auger.
The parameters required for setting each power choice are: the operating time of the fuel
auger, the cycle between two turn on of auger and the speeds of the main and chimney fan. They
are set in the menu
"Service settings" »" Burning setup "» "Fuel X" »" Power P1 "/" Power
P2 "/" Power P3 "/" Suspend"
. The burner automatically selects the power to operate depending
on the temperature difference between the set temperature and the current temperature in the
boiler. The choice is made at the beginning of each cycle of fuel delivering. All this is set by
"Service settings" »" Power modulation "
. In the last menu also sets the maximum time during
which the burner will have the power for maintaining the fire. If this time has ended, the burner
will turn off. While in "Suspend" mode the temperature difference reaches the set value for some
of the power level and if there is still embers in the burner, it will ignite again using the embers in
it and will not use the heater.
When switching off the burner, whether from the On / Off button, by timer or via OD input,
it immediately goes to extinguish procedure. The fuel delivery is stopped and the fans continue to
run until the remaining pellets are completely burned to prevent back burning to the pellet tank.
When the photosensor detects that the fire is off, the burner goes to the cleaning phase, then
returns to its initial state. The speed of the extinguishing fans is set from the menu
settings" »" Burning setup "» "Fuel X" »" More settings "
The burner is cleaned first with the main fan and then with the additional cleaning system, if
it has been initially equipped with one. This system can be made with a powerful fan connected to
the FC output, or by some other mechanical system connected to the FC or FC + AUX output. The
cleaning settings are different, depending on whether they are before ignition, after switching off
or if a problem is registered. The procedure is as follows:
1. Turn the burner OFF.
2. The main blower turns on and works on maximum power for as long as it is in the
Service Settings » Burning Setup » Fuel X » Cleaning,
''Start'', ''Stop''
3. After the above time is up, the additional mechanical cleaning system turns on if
equipped and it is set in the menu
Service Settings
Burning Setup » Cleaning
''Start'', ''Stop'' or ''Alarm''
. If it is set time 0 , output FC won't work and
this step missing.
During these procedure the burner turns off, performs the procedure for Cleaning and then
turns on again. The controller has a possibility to set cycles for automatic cleaning by periodically
turning off the burner, cleaning and then turn it on again. The activation of the auto - cleaning and
the time for work between two cleanings is set from the menu
Service Settings
Burning Setup
Fuel X
"Auto cleaning"
User Manual / ver. 1.2
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