Electronic pellet burner controller - NPBC-V6T-2
Information about the Wi-Fi modem and the Internet connection
From the screen “Information” to go to screen “Wi-Fi” connection you must press the button
“▼”. You can do it and by gesture- sliding on the screen to the top of the display.
The fields are as follow:
ID –
unique identification number for each modem
IP –
Modem's IP address
WiFi mode - –
Modem's current state can be any of the following:
–No connection with WiFi router
Access point –
The modem is waiting for the local WiFi network's SSID and password
AP Associated –
The modem is connected to a router
Internet Access –
Established internet connection
– The modem is connected to the information system server
Snd/Rcv – –
Sent/Received data packages
f the control module is not equipped with a Wi-Fi modem, there will be a message on the screen
“No Wi-Fi device”
Software version of the controller and Wi-Fi module software version.
To reach from “WiFi connection” to “Version”
screen you must press the button “▼”. You can do
it and with gesture - sliding to the top of the display.
User Manual / ver. 1.2
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