Electronic pellet burner controller - NPBC-V6T-2
Parameter settings.
In the NPBC-V6T controller all parameters except the set temperature are changed from the main
menu, which is display by pressing a button from the main screen. The user settings, which are
used from the end consumer of the heating system are accessible directly from this menu. The last
position in the main menu, sub-menu “Service settings”, contains parameters configuring the
operating modes of the burner, sensors and mechanisms, connected to the controller. The access to
the “Service settings” can be restricted with an access code.
User settings
Time and Date
- Setting the controller clock. The time format is 24- hour hh:mm (23:59), and the
date format is dd/mm/yy. The day of the week is automatically set after setting the date. After
exiting the menu, if there is a change of the hour or the minutes, the seconds automatically reset.
When only the date has changed, the seconds do not reset. An automatically time set is available
only if the controller has Wi-Fi module and this module must be connected to the monitoring and
control system Naturela Smart Home.
– Changing the language
Changing the language can be done by using the “▲” or “▼” buttons to move the selecting row
until the desired language is chosen and then confirmed with the
button or by directly touching
the line with the desired language, and selecting it without any additional confirmation. After
changing the language, exit the main menu, which is already working with the selected language.
User Manual / ver. 1.2
page 24 of 41
Tthis option is available
only if the controller
is equipped with
WiFi modem and has
an access to the Internet