National Luna LEGACY Fridge Manual
This refrigerator utilises a multi-cavity door seal which gives excep
tional sealing capability. Under hot conditions, and after loading
the fridge, the door could be “sucked” closed. (A vacuum is formed
inside the F
ridge causing difficulty to open and a temporarily loose
latch condition).
The material used tends to be soft and pliable under warm
conditions and may harden during cold/winter conditions
tending to retain it’s compressed state.
(The door latch can be slightly loose under this condition).
By carefully using a hair dryer the seal can be softened
and returned to it’s expanded state.
It is very simple to adjust the door lid hinges at the rear of the fridge to compensate
for this “play/loose door latch condition”. Loosen the screws of the door hinges on
the main body of the fridge (bottom part of the hinge) Lightly depress the back of
the door lid evenly on it’s length and re-tighten the screws. The door latches will
now be tight.
Loosen, adjust lid,
and re-tighten screws.
General Maintenance
Door Seal and Adjustment (Loose Latch Condition)
Removing and Replacing Multi-Cavity Door Seal
Over time the door seal adopts and moulds/compresses itself into a fixed shape.
Simply pull the seal from a corner and remove. One can clean the seal and
place it in the sun to soften the material. It can also be softened using a hair
dryer to attain it’s uncompressed state. Refit the seal by simply pressing it back
in place.