© National Instruments
Digital I/O
The NI 6614 contains 40 Programmable Function Interface (PFI) signals. These PFI signals can
function as either timing input, timing output, or DIO signals. This chapter describes the DIO
functionality. Refer to Chapter 6,
, for information on using the PFI lines as timing input or
output signals.
The 40 PFI signals are grouped into a 32-bit Port 0, and an 8-bit Port 1. When a terminal is used
for digital I/O, it is called Px.y, where x is the port number and y is the line number. For example,
P1.3 refers to Port 1, Line 3. When a terminal is used for timing input or output, it is called PFI x,
where x is a number between 0 and 39 representing the PFI line number. The same physical pin
has two different names depending on whether it is used for digital I/O (Px.y) or timing I/O
(PFI x). For example, the digital I/O line P1.3 is the same physical pin as the timing I/O signal
PFI 35. Refer to Appendix A,
Pinout and Signal Descriptions
, for a complete pinout.
The DIO features supported on Port 0 and Port 1 are listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1.
DIO Features on Ports 0 and 1
Port 0
Port 1
32 lines of DIO
8 lines of DIO
Direction and function of each terminal individually controllable
Static digital input and output
DI change detection trigger/interrupt
High-speed digital waveform acquisition
High-speed digital waveform generation