Alternate Mounting Configurations
The maximum operating temperature of 85 °C may be reduced for any mounting configuration
other than the reference mounting configuration. A 10 °C (18 °F) reduction in maximum
operating temperature is sufficient for most alternate mounting configurations. Follow the
mounting requirements for all mounting configurations.
The published accuracy specifications, although not guaranteed for alternate mounting
configurations, may be met depending on the system power and the thermal performance of
the alternate mounting configuration.
Contact NI for further details regarding the impact of common alternate mounting
configurations on maximum operating temperature and accuracy.
Firmware can be updated through NI MAX or the web interface to the device. For FieldDAQ
firmware information and updates, visit
and enter the Info Code
Where to Go from Here
This section lists where you can find example programs for the FieldDAQ device and relevant
Example Programs
NI-DAQmx software includes example programs to help you get started programming with
the FieldDAQ device. Modify example code and save it in an application, or use examples to
develop a new application, or add example code to an existing application.
To locate NI software examples, go to
and enter the Info Code
To run examples without the device installed, use an NI-DAQmx simulated device. For more
information, in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), select
Help Topics
MAX Help for NI-DAQmx
and search for simulated devices.
Related Documentation
Each application software package and driver includes information about writing applications
for taking measurements and controlling measurement devices. The following references to
documents assume you have NI-DAQmx 17.6 or later.
FD-11613 Quick Start
, packaged with your device, describes how to install your
NI-DAQmx for Windows software, how to set up your FieldDAQ device, and confirm that
your device is operating properly.
FD-11613 User Guide
© National Instruments