If you are not using a pre-assembled cable, complete the following steps.
Connect the positive lead of the primary power source to the V terminal (pin 1)
inside the power connector plug.
Connect the negative lead of the primary power source to the C terminal (pin 3)
inside the power connector plug.
(Optional) To power non-FieldDAQ devices through the power network, connect the
leads of an additional auxiliary power source to the Aux1 (pin 4) and Aux2 (pin 2)
terminals inside the power connector plug.
Assemble the rest of the plug sleeve.
Carefully align and connect the cable to the external power source and the power IN
connector on the FieldDAQ device.
Turn on the external power source.
If the power source is connected to the power connector using long wiring with high DC
resistance, the voltage at the power connector may be significantly lower than the specified
voltage of the power source.
Refer to
Power Requirements
in the
FD-11613 Specifications
for information about the power
supply input range. Refer to
Safety Voltages
in the
FD-11613 Specifications
for information
about the maximum voltage from terminal to chassis ground.
Thermocouple Connectors and Measurements
The following figure shows thermocouple circuitry of the FD-11613.
FD-11613 User Guide
© National Instruments